Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I am just so...

I realized over the last few days how wrongly motivated I am to serve others in my home over my family. Ugh! Sin has a way of coming to the surface. Thank you God for that. We have recently had the opportunity to have someone come live with us for a couple of months. We freely opened up our home to this "stranger" in faith that this is what God would have us do.
This is where my sin gets ugly! Our guest was set to arrive Monday. So over the weekend I sat down and got out my cook books and made a menu plan for the next 6 days and a grocery list. Good, nothing wrong with that. Right? Wrong! I haven't had a menu plan or been grocery shopping in, ahem, uh...Well, do I have to say?
My motivation for "meal planning" and grocery shopping were not pure ones. They were good but not pure. You see, I was more concerned with our guest than I was with my own family! While it is good to be concerned for and care for others my primary mission is and should be my family.
So this is my way of repenting to my family and hopefully motivating others to look closely at their motives.
Keep serving others but make sure you serve your family while your at it.
Until next time,

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Shameless plug

Here is my shameless plug to ask for prayer. As some of you know we are in the midst of trying to adopt two precious children from Liberia. Today on the "Oprah" show she will be showcasing fascinating families. Among them are our adoption coordinator, Angel Rutledge and her family along with others who have adopted from Liberia, West Africa.
Here is where we need you and the children of Liberia need you! Please pray that the segment on the Liberian adoptions will significantly impact people and that adoptions in Liberia will open up soon. There are 100 children that have been matched with families. Two children have died since the moratorium on adoptions in Liberia have been put in place.
You can go to my blog on adoption to get more information on that.
Thanks for the prayers. We serve a might God!