Yesterday my neighbor from across the street stopped by. We ended up talking about my yard. If it's possible to have multiple passions then I guess I am one of those people. I have every kind of plant known to mankind and then some. I am sure I have plants that haven't even been named yet or even "discovered" growing in my yard! We bought the house we live in largely due to the beautiful yard. It has been a sort of "curse" ever since. (said sarcastically) I was so sick the last three summers or so that no work was done. The weeds took over and let's just say those lovely 3 feet tall Ferns and Coral Bells, to name only a couple were lost under weed upon weed. One day I took out 22 small trees from my small side yard. Yes! 22. Ranging in size from 5 feet to 15 feet. Speaking of trees we have a red bud in a pot. It's about 15 feet tall and it's been dug up and potted for almost two years. Want it? It's yours. My husband "saved it" Waste of time if you ask me!
Lately I have been looking at every plant and saying, "Hmmm, a weed is only a weed if I don't like it" Right? Well, BE GONE Leather Leaf Mahonias and the birds that eat the berries and plop them on my outdoor furniture. I gave my neighbor THREE potted ones yesterday and cut down a 6 foot tall one not too long ago. My husband very much dislikes it when I do stuff like rip out "beautiful" Nandinas and toss them away like trash. Any one want some? I better not! We only have about 20 or more...
I accidentally destroyed my "Bridal Veil Clematis" a week ago. I was heart broken for about a minute then I got over it. It'll come back next year, besides now I have more light in my house and I kinda like that!
If chopping down Lilacs is a sin then I am guilty! If digging up and throwing away 6 Mediterranean Heathers is bad then, ahem, guilty! They were overgrown and about 10 years old anyway! Besides the Lavender and Shasta Daisies look Oh so much better in that spot.
So what does this have to do with my neighbor? I simply said to her "You have to look at my house everyday where do you think I should put these thousands of Stella D'Ora Lilies that need to be moved?" Yes, my Ferns came back and now, no more lilies (at least if I keep the Lilies in that spot.
I was into killing ALL of the Lilies but I suppose my husband is right on this one, they do cost around $6 a piece. I know, I could sell them but it's just too much trouble.
Anyway so guess what I did today? Yup, planted Day Lilies just in front of the Roses and behind my walk-way behind the Salvia and Candy Tuft.
The joke around here is if you see a new plant coming up that you might like don't tell mom! She'll cut it down or kill it. The truth of it is though, Our yard, it's beautiful. While I might make my hubby frustrated at times I'll never forget to remind him how he reacted when he saw the side yard After I took out the 20 plus trees. He loved it. He said he simply could not imagine how lovely it would look. Now what to do with the dozen Oak Leaf Hydrangeas and the Vinca Minor taking over my yard. Hmmm, I learned how to use a chainsaw last week maybe I'll get out that sprayer and buy some chemicals and see about using that thing as well! Just kidding honey, if your reading this!
Ballet Begins Again
7 years ago