Thursday, May 20, 2010

he DID it AGAIN!

Can you believe it? YES! The enemy came in when I was doing life and tried to destroy my family and marriage. Surprised? Who me? I wish I could say no. But, alas, YES. I did not give the enemy enough credit. Do we ever? Yes God is control but He has given this world over to the enemies schemes. satan prowls around this world seeking to steal, kill, and destroy those whom he may devour. "he" got me out on a limb so to speak and then fired up the chainsaw and I came crashing down along with everything and everyone around me.
I have a beautiful friend praying for me, pursuing me, calling me, and not giving up because she loves Jesus, not just me, but Jesus and she HATES satan and what he is doing to marriages and families. satan wants what God wants. God wants our family. "satan" wants our family. God already has our family BUT if he can destroy our witness and tear us apart by the roots then that's exactly what he will do! Today HIS (GOD's) Mercies are new and I am walking the path He has for me! I am calling in the calvary! Enough of this! I am commanding the enemy to leave. Jesus I am forever yours. Protect our family--our foster children, our marriage, our children in Africa, our biological children etc. Today I am "CHOOSING" to walk in your Grace Lord. It is always ENOUGH!

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